Saturday, May 19, 2007

Drinks by the Pool in Phomn Penh

Tomorrow I fly back to Canada for a triumphant reunion with my schmoopie and very cute family. The only thing that is keeping me sane right now after a very successful, although ridiculously hot and sweaty, 3 weeks in Cambodia is sipping refreshing cocktails beside the pool at my favourite hotel in the entire world. Today's current favorite beverage (I've had 3 so far) is essentially a mojito slurpee. Here is my rough guess of the recipe just like they whip it up here at the Billabong Hotel, deep in the heart of Phomn Penh.

The Mojito Slurpee
1 cup ice cubes
juice of one lime
2 oz rum
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 fist of fresh mint

Combine, blend the crap out of it, and sip beside the pool. Kampai!


Leanne said...

hmmm...i think i will try this one. only thing is, where do i get freakin' fresh mint leaves in south dakota? they will probably cost an arm and a leg. maybe i should start growing some.

philter said...

i really want to go back, seriously. I looked at this pic as I was scrolling through your blog for a curry recipe and it made me smile. Can you say hope over to Cambodia from Thailand this summer for a day, I know I can.
