Monday, August 27, 2007

Craig and Jamie Rule!

Yesterday my friends Craig and Jamie sent me an email telling me about how they tried the BBQ corn recipe. They even improvised a bit and... THEY SENT PICTURES!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is precisely the kind of behavior that will get you widespread DIY Gourmet praise, exaltation, internet 2.o fame and general props and shoutouts. Faithful readers, feel free to learn from Craig and Jamie's example, get cookin', and send me pictures.
~DJ Dread


jamie said...

haha..thanks wade - it sure was good and I gave the recipe to my mother in law ;)

Unknown said...

Wade- I read your blog every time you post. Just an encouragement to you. I don't currently have a kitchen since we're remodeling but as soon as I do I'll try some receipes. For now though how about some crazy drinks. (with booze)
