Monday, September 03, 2007

Honey Dijon Carrots for 50 people

Serve these carrots with the Creamy Tomato Pepper steak recipe below.

Honey Dijon Carrots
3 large bags baby carrots
1 large jar (800 mL) Dijon mustard
3 cups honey
1/3 cup brown sugar
¼ cup lime juice
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1 bunch fresh dill, chopped
Mark, the Dijon sauce sensei.

Prefill large pot with ample water to cover the carrots. DO NOT PUT THE CARROTS IN THE POT YET. Cover pot, bring water to a vigorous boil (might take 1 hour), and turn off heat. In saut̩ pan combine mustard, honey, sugar, lime juice, and fresh ginger. Simmer over low heat. Reboil water again judging time so that boil is achieved 15 minutes before serving. Once water is boiling vigorously add carrots and cook 5 Р8 minutes. DO NOT OVERCOOK! (Unless you're English and like mushy, flavourless vegetables) Carrots should be cooked but should still have some snap. Drain carrots and toss with mustard mixture and fresh chopped dill.

1 comment:

Rick said...

What is a Hobart?

Wasn't Hobart the elephant that heard a Who. Does this mean that I need a sous-chef like the guys on Iron Chef America?
