Sunday, January 14, 2007

It finally works!

Well friends, my domain name finally works. Last night my buddy Chris came over, got his geek on and solved all my problems. Of course, I'd been trying to figure this out for a week and haven't posted because of my web stupidity but Chris fired up his amazing programming mojo and had my domain name humming at warp factor in only five minutes.

The moral of this story is that everyone needs a friend with full geek credibility. If you don't have such a friend, that's OK, you can use mine.

insert A-Team theme music here

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him (, maybe you can hire... Steel O'Neill, web ninja.

Onto other things. This last week I have been feeling rather ill with a nasty cold/cough so I would like to share with you my DIY Gourmet uber-hot toddy recipe. I don't know if it will actually make you feel better, but it sure goes down easy.

juice and zest of one lemon
thumb of ginger, grated
mint teabag
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoon Nin Jion cough syrup
3 oz sake (most important ingredient of all)
hot water

Bang everything in your favourite enormous mug and add hot water to fill. Let steep for at least 5 minutes. Adjust sweetness by adding more honey if you like. If you don't want floaties in your toddy you can use a tea ball for the zest and the ginger. Bottoms up, here's to your health.

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