Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Best Waffle Recipe, EVER!

Now I am a man who appreciates a fine waffle. I even convinced and won over my wife to my bacon waffles (yum!) So when I found a waffle blog I was a little skeptical about their recipe for amazing crispy waffles. Long story short, this morning I made easy crispy waffles and the scales fell off my eyes and I saw the light. What makes this recipe amazing and easy is that it is a yeast batter that you make the night before and then it rises overnight in the fridge. When you get up you stir to deflate it and I added just a tiny splash of milk to get it a bit thinner (it thickens up a bit overnight). Pour it into your waffle maker and prepare to receive a divine revelation.

Easy Crispy Waffles
2 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp instant yeast
1 stick melted butter (1/2 cup)
2 cups warm milk (heated to about 110 degrees)
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt

The night before:
Combine and whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl: flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Combine the melted butter and milk. Add the mixture to the dry ingredients. Whisk eggs and vanilla together in a separate small bowl. Add the egg-vanilla mixture to the other mixture, and whisk until well-combined. Cover with plastic wrap and stick in the fridge until tomorrow morning.

The next morning:
Prepare waffle iron as usual. Stir the batter to deflate it (it should be puffy and frothy). Add to waffle iron the same way you would other batter, keeping in mind that this batter will rise more than batters that use baking powder instead of yeast.


The Overworked Barista said...

You reminded me of this recipe on this site that I made quite a while ago, and really want to eat right now.

Power to the yeast waffle!

Carlene said...

OK ... so I am sitting in a backpackers in Bath England, waiting for my sleeping beauty daughter to awaken, (alas no prince in sight!)and I read your description of waffles! Yes please! We will be in Vancouver in two weeks so make sure Leigh & Ange have this recipe.

Kiwirose said...

Man this morning Jacqui was talking all about waffles and that when we get our new house we have to buy a heart shaped waffle iron. I started teasing her until she said "yeah, my mom has one..."