Friday, March 16, 2007

Do it Yourself Ipod Battery Replacement

I have had an incredibly hard time posting frequently with my current endless duties of superdaddy, soapmaster, and hard-working roadie extraordinaire. But just ten minutes ago I had a giant personal triumph.

I replaced my Ipod battery (to quote my daughter, Sophia) "all by myself." And let me tell you, it was not without trial. First of all, the instructions that came with my third party replacement battery weren't all that helpful, and of course the photos were minuscule and fuzzy. I also found out that Ipods are stinkin' difficult to get into. I guess that is a good thing, but just to make things even more challenging, one of the special plastic prying screwdrivers included with my new battery snapped in the middle of the ordeal. At that point I wanted some better instructions so I got online and found this incredibly helpful web page.

Once I took a deep breathe and chilled out it wasn't even that hard. However, if you have just had a quadruple iced mocha latte, and have a serious case of the shakes I wouldn't recommend trying it until you have a steady hand. My new battery is currently charging and I am stoked that it cost me $33 and a half hour of my patience as opposed to $99 and shipping and handling that Apple Inc. wanted to charge me. Smell you later, Steve Jobs...


philter said...

I love you man. Cheers and happy St. Patties day.

Anonymous said...

I had to replace mine too and
got an ipod battery kit from - they had instructions that rocked and color photographics so i knew exactly what I was doing the whoooole way through. did you have an ipod video? mine was a 3rd generation ipod and it was a snap.

Chris Whitler said...

Say, I have a podcast...

look up "part in the middle" in the itunes store then click on podcasts and usually "show all" and you will see me eating vindaloo curry...that's our comedy podcast. Also, if you search "whitler" in the podcasts you will find my more serious podcast. Recently, I interviewed John Wason from YWAM Victoria. Ah yeah...if you get a chance to listen, let me know what you think! I just had a great week with jamie and Kim's DTS in the peg...quite fun.

allibiscotti said...

i concur with chuck! i ordered my replacement battery from ipodjuice as well and the instructions and tool were amazing. If the wording get even the slightest bit confusing all I had to do was look down at the adjoining picture and I would know what to do.