Thursday, March 22, 2007

You're joking, right? Please tell me you are joking.

For yet another sign that something is seriously wrong with this world click here.


Stu Bish said...

Sounds like just the thing for A.O.C eh mate?

Ben Peterson said...

Where there is a buck to be made...

Amber - on a human journey said...

I wonder if that means free Komodo Dragon for concert goers at intermission...or even CD Jackets!!! Yeah baby!

If Starbucks offered me a record contract, I would say yes, just to be able to ceremonially burn Starbucks napkins on stage while singing "Drink your cup of coffee, drink it up good, made from the tears of starving children from the cherry-pickers hood...3 bucks a day, you say you say, can't do any harm, so drink your cup of coffee and cut off the poor man's arm!"